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Identify and prioritize business problems with SmarterX's ProblemsGPT tool.

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Welcome to ProblemsGPT, a ChatGPT-powered tool from Paul Roetzer and SmarterX designed to identify and prioritize business problems that may be solved more intelligently with AI. 

ProblemsGPT helps you define problem statements and draft preliminary strategic plans to build a smarter, AI-forward business. 

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ProblemsGPT by SmarterX

The Problem-Based Model: Look at Your Business Problems Differently

While focusing on use cases is the fastest way to pilot AI and create efficiencies in your organization (see JobsGPT and CampaignsGPT for more on the use-case approach), taking a problem-based model approach accelerates innovation and growth, and creates greater long-term impact on enterprise value. 

In the problem-based model, you have a known pain point or challenge that may be solved more efficiently, and at scale, with AI.

You start with clearly defined problem statements. 

A strong problem statement includes a value statement that establishes what it’s worth to solve the problem. This helps ensure that the project is worth the investment of resources, and is essential to prioritizing which problems to pursue.

 Example 1: Audience

[Problem] Our new subscriber growth is down 20% over the same quarter last year. [Value] Subscribers are valued at $100 each in our valuation model, so a drop of 10,000 subscribers is $1,000,000 in revenue.

Example 2: Innovation

[Problem] Our growth in existing verticals has stalled, and we need to identify new markets and product ideas that can unlock massive value for the organization. [Value] Based on historical data and market research, we believe there are two new verticals that could generate $10M+ each over the next 3 - 5 years.

Example 3: Churn

[Problem] We saw a dramatic spike in customer churn last quarter, resulting in an MRR drop for the first time in two years. [Value] The quarterly loss was $80,000 MRR, or $960,000 ARR.

This model can be applied to any problem type in your organization, such as: 

  • Audience
  • Awareness
  • Churn
  • Costs
  • Decisioning
  • Efficiency
  • Forecasting
  • Innovation
  • Leads
  • Loyalty
  • Personalization
  • Pricing
  • Productivity
  • Revenue
  • Sales

ProblemsGPT is built to help you craft and refine your problem statements, and then accelerate your planning by drafting an initial strategic brief.


How It Works

There are three conversation starters to choose from:

  1. Help me identify problems. ProblemsGPT assists you in considering your current pain points or challenges, and then works with you to craft problem statements and strategic briefs. 
  2. Enter a problem statement. You enter a problem statement to start. ProblemsGPT assesses the statement to make sure it’s clear and specific, and, if needed, provides examples and recommendations to improve the problem statement. Once the problem statement is ready, ProblemsGPT provides a strategic brief detailing ways AI could be used to help solve the problem. 
  3. Show me sample problem statements. ProblemsGPT will show you a collection of examples. You can keep asking it for “more,” and even ask it for examples in specific problem types, industries, or businesses (e.g. “show me more customer examples,” “show me examples for retailers.”).

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Build a Smarter Business

Your organization has the opportunity to rapidly transform through the infusion of AI technologies that drive efficiency, productivity, creativity, revenue, growth and innovation. 

Start by using ProblemsGPT to identify and prioritize business problems that can be solved more intelligently. 

You must be logged into ChatGPT to use ProblemsGPT. 

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ProblemsGPT is in beta (and it’s built on ChatGPT), so it may not always work right, and it can certainly hallucinate at times. We welcome any feedback, and hope you find it valuable as you plan for the future of work.

Strategic AI Leader Workshop

If you're looking to engage your leadership team in building a smarter business, let's team up on a Strategy AI Leader Workshop. 

The Strategic AI Leader Workshop from SmarterX is an executive-level, interactive experience designed for directors and above who aim to spearhead AI transformation within their organizations. 

This workshop focuses on developing a strategic mindset to identify, analyze, and prioritize business problems that AI can solve efficiently, positioning you as a key driver of innovation and growth.

Learn More


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