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Prioritize AI Use Cases. Prepare for the Future of Work.

Identify and Automate Repetitive Tasks with SmarterX's CampaignsGPT Tool

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Welcome to CampaignsGPT, a ChatGPT-powered tool from Paul Roetzer and SmarterX designed to assess the impact of AI—specifically large language models (LLMs)—on campaigns and the future of work. 

Whether you're a professional looking to optimize your daily tasks, a manager seeking to enhance team productivity, a business leader assessing the impact of AI on your organization, or a tech entrepreneur eager to explore the potential of AI in different industries, CampaignsGPT is here to guide you.

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For Practitioners: Unlock Your Productivity

A campaign is a series of tasks designed to achieve a goal. 

CampaignsGPT leverages advanced AI capabilities to break down campaigns into tasks, analyze the impact of AI on each task, and provide actionable insights to prioritize AI use cases and maximize your productivity.

You can just give CampaignsGPT a campaign type you want to assess, or give it a campaign with your actual tasks. 

CampaignsGPT works for any business unit. Try these campaign types:

  • Marketing: Influencer Marketing, Lead Generation and Nurturing, Product Launch, Monthly Analytics Report, Price Optimization, Rebranding, SEO, Podcast.
  • Sales: Business Development, Customer Referral, Market Expansion, New Product, Sales Pipeline Optimization, Sales Training, Upselling and Cross-Selling.
  • Service: Customer Onboarding, Customer Retention, Customer Service Training, Customer Survey, Support Response Time Optimization.  
  • Operations: Compliance, Cost Reduction, Inventory Management, Process Improvement, Risk Management, Supply Chain Optimization.
  • HR: Change Management, Compensation and Benefits Review, Education and Training, Employee Engagement, Employee Recognition, Onboarding, Performance Reviews, Talent Acquisition. 
  • Finance: Budget Planning, Cash Flow Management, Compliance, Cost Reduction, Financial Reporting, Merger & Acquisition, Tax Planning.
  • IT: Cost Optimization, Cybersecurity Assessment, Data Governance, Disaster Recovery, Vendor Assessments.

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For Business Leaders: Forecast the Exposure of Campaigns to AI Model Advancements

CampaignsGPT is trained on an Exposure Key that assesses the impact of AI on campaigns as the models become smarter and more generally capable. 

This enables leaders to conduct impact assessments on specific roles, teams, and departments, and forecast how the impact will change as the models evolve in the months and years ahead.

CampaignsGPT breaks down campaigns into a series of tasks and labels each task according to the Exposure Key below.

Exposure means the ability for the LLM to reduce the time it takes to complete tasks with equivalent or greater quality than an average skilled professional.

  • E0 – No exposure: LLM cannot reduce the time for this task. Typically requires high human interaction.
  • E1 – Direct exposure: Direct access to the LLM reduces the time required.
  • E2 – Exposure by LLM-powered applications: Additional software developed on top of the LLM, such as software that has access to CRM data and is able to write real-time summaries about customers and prospects.
  • E3 – Exposure given image capabilities: LLM + ability to view, understand, caption, create, and edit images.
  • E4 – Exposure given video capabilities: LLM + ability to view, understand, caption, create, and edit videos.
  • E5 – Exposure given audio capabilities: LLM + ability to hear, understand, transcribe, translate, output audio, and have natural conversations through devices such as phones and computers.
  • E6 – Exposure given advanced reasoning capabilities: LLM + ability to handle complex queries, solve multi-step problems, make more accurate predictions, understand deeper contextual meaning, complete higher-level cognitive tasks, draw conclusions, and make decisions.
  • E7 – Exposure given persuasion capabilities: LLM + ability to convince someone to change their beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, or behaviors.
  • E8 – Exposure given digital world action capabilities (AI Agents): LLM + an AI agent with the ability to interact with, manipulate, and perform tasks within digital environments just as a human would using a user interface such as a keyboard and mouse on a computer, or touch or voice on a smartphone.
  • E9 – Exposure given physical world vision capabilities (AI Vision Devices): LLM + a physical device, such as phones or glasses, that enable the system to see, understand, analyze, and respond to the physical world.
  • E10 – Exposure given physical world action capabilities (Humanoid Robots): LLM embodied in a general purpose, bi-pedal autonomous humanoid robot that enables the system to see, understand, analyze, respond to, and take action in the physical world.

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How It Works

  1. Enter Campaign Details: Provide a campaign type, or add an actual campaign.
  2. Task Breakdown: CampaignsGPT analyzes your campaign, breaking it down into a collection of tasks. You can also ask it to break any task into subtasks.
  3. AI Exposure Assessment: Each task is evaluated for AI exposure, detailing how AI can assist and the potential time savings.
  4. Actionable Insights: Receive a comprehensive report with practical recommendations to enhance your workflow.

CampaignsGPT has a custom prompt inspired by the OpenAI August 2023 research paper, GPTs are GPTs: An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models.

The prompt has been tailored to capture the current capabilities of today’s leading AI frontier models, while projecting future impact through the Exposure Key.

Here is an excerpt (the full prompt is ~8,000 characters) from the JobsGPT Instructions:

Consider a powerful large language model (LLM), such as GPT-4o, Claude 3.5, Gemini 1.5, and Llama 3.1 405B. This model can complete many tasks that can be formulated as having text and image input and output where the context for the input can be captured in 128,000 tokens.

The model can draw on facts from its training data (which stops at October 2023), access the web for real-time information, and apply user-submitted examples and content (including text files, images, and spreadsheets).

Assume you are a knowledge worker with an average level of expertise. You manage campaigns that are a series of tasks designed to achieve a goal or outcome.

You have access to the LLM, as well as any other existing software or computer hardware tools mentioned in the tasks. You also have access to any commonly available technical tools accessible via a laptop (e.g. a microphone, speakers, etc.). You do not have access to any other physical tools or materials.

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Why Use CampaignsGPT?

  • Comprehensive Task Analysis: Get detailed assessments of how AI can streamline your daily tasks, saving you time and money.
  • Team Impact Assessments: Forecast the exposure of specific campaigns to disruption as AI models become smarter and more generally capable.
  • Accelerated Innovation: Use CampaignsGPT to accelerate AI adoption and innovation within your company. 

Example Assessments

Curious about how CampaignsGPT works? Check out our sample assessment for a Product Launch Campaign. See firsthand the potential time savings and efficiency improvements AI can bring to your role.


Recommended Prompts

CampaignsGPT is powered by ChatGPT, so it’s capable of going beyond an initial impact assessment. Think of it as an AI planning assistant. 

Have a conversation with it, and push it to help you turn your chat into an actionable plan. 

Here are some recommended follow-up prompts once JobsGPT gives you your initial assessment:

  • Break into subtasks
  • Help me prioritize tasks.
  • How are you prioritizing?
  • More tasks. 
  • What are some E# tasks? (e.g. What are some E6 tasks?)
  • More examples of E# tasks (e.g. More examples of E5 tasks)
  • Explain the importance of reasoning.

Prepare for the Future of Work

You have an opportunity now to reimagine your company, and your career. Take a responsible approach to AI adoption and transformation. Be proactive in assessing the impact of AI, and be prepared for the future of work. 

Get Started Today

Read to accelerate efficiency, productivity, creativity and innovation? Start your journey with CampaignsGPT now.

You must be logged into ChatGPT to use CampaignsGPT.

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CampaignsGPT is in beta (and it’s built on ChatGPT), so it may not always work right, and it can certainly hallucinate at times. We welcome any feedback, and hope you find it valuable as you plan for the future of work.

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